[國際] 舌尖上的聖誕節 吃貨的福利!(雙語)

原標題:[國際] 舌尖上的聖誕節 吃貨的福利!(雙語)





英國 聖誕火雞 聖誕佈丁



Actually, it's not just the British who eat turkey during Christmas; eating turkey is a common custom among almost the entire western world.

This片狀成型機 custom dates back to the 17th century, when British migrants arriving in North America found nothing to eat but turkeys at Christmas time. Without a second choice, they had to roast turkey for food, and since then, eating turkey has become a typical convention during Christmas.


Apart from roast turkey, Christmas pudding is also a typical, and in fact, unique dish at Christmas banquets in the UK. The ingredients of Christmas pudding include bread, lemon peel, raisins and rum. Occasionally, in some British families, one member will put a coin inside the Christmas pudding without letting others know, and anyone who accidentally found the coin while eating is believed to welcome good luck in the new year.

法國 樹幹蛋糕/木柴蛋糕



One of the most famous Christmas dishes in France is Buche de Noel, a cake made like a tree trunk. Before electricity was widely applied, French people often gave firewood to each other as Christmas gifts. Some families also burned a full stove of firewood on Christmas' eves for good luck.

Later, though they gave up the habit of burning firewood, the custom of giving firewood away transformed into making cakes that looked like firewood.

德國 薑餅


During Christmas, one of the most popular dishes in Germany is Lebkuchen, meaning "gingerbread" in the German language. This pastry, made of honey and pepper, is so delicious that it has gained wide popularity among people around the world.

丹麥 杏仁佈丁


Almond pudding is a must-have dish during Christmas banquets in Denmark. It's been reported that many Danes stick to starting their Christmas dinners by eating the almond pudding first. Though it's called almond pudding, it actually only contains one small almond. Anyone who found it while eating the pudding is believed to be very lucky in the coming year.

北美 蛋奶酒


In some parts of North America, people drink eggnog while celebrating Christmas. Though it's a tradition that originated from the UK, it's become quite popular in North America. The eggnog is made of egg, milk and rum.




In recent years, after Chinese people have started celebrating Christmas, many of them started eating apples or giving them away to each other during the holiday. This is because in the Chinese language, the pronunciation for the word apple is very similar to "safe and sound."


聖誕快樂!Merry Christmas!

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